Is your home prepared for the cold? In Idaho, winters bring in freezing forecasts, piles of snow, and low temperatures. From warm showers to cozy indoor temperatures, heating makes the winter months more bearable. At S&K, we provide an assortment of heating services in Treasure Valley, preparing you for the colder months and enhancing your home comforts.

Heater Maintenance

Many people find bountiful joys in taking a hot shower. For most of us, it’s therapeutic. Keeping your heating systems in great condition with regular maintenance and checkups guarantees your showers bring on the steam. A healthy heater also saves you lots of money spent on extra costs for damages, new appliances, and utility bills. At S&K, we maintain your space’s heating in top quality, making sure your heater and boilers operate optimally and effectively. On top of servicing and performing tune-ups like changing furnace coils, we also offer heating repairs and inspections.

System Installation

If you are working on a new construction project or revamping your space, we also provide heating system installations. From intricate component networks to meeting safety standards, adding a furnace, heater, or boiler comes with particular challenges. It requires a tremendous amount of skill and attention to detail. Since we began offering our heating services, we have completed numerous successful installations, providing the most beautiful homes in Treasure Valley with heat. Our experience and expertise in the craft guarantee you optimized and functional heating, avoiding the headache of future reinstallations to correct botched work.

Improved Home Heating

Whether you need a furnace repair or an installation, our heating services are here to supply your home or building with different forms of heat access. We aim to provide you with quality results and a space that meets your needs and comforts. S&K is also determined to give you professional customer service, offering same- or next-day visits.

For new construction services, reach us at (208) 608-3083, and for other heating needs, contact us at 208) 996-4139. Prepare for the oncoming cold with us at S&K Plumbing and HVAC.